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Anyone keen to enjoy the corporate hospitality at the NRM Horse of the Year Show's international cross country on Saturday needs to be quick.

Just 50 tickets remain for what event managers Kurt Sandtmann and Greg Howie say will be a day to remember.

It is the first time the Olympic Games style cross country course has been held at the Hawke's Bay Showgrounds, and the field is a talent-stacked array of some of New Zealand's best eventers.

The corporate hospitality area is nestled amongst the beautiful Waikoko Gardens, with large marquees on the “mainland” and the island in the middle of the lake.

“It is right in amongst it,” says Sandtmann, who says the location coupled with top wine and food make it a perfect location for a fun day.

Wines from Clearview and Trinity Hill will be coupled with a gourmet bbq from Orton Catering.

The hospitality area opens at 1.30pm, with the first canapés served at 2pm well in time for the first horses to come though just after 2.30pm. Lunch will follow and includes an array of meat, seafood, chicken and vegetarian options.

Jazz, with a dash of acoustic, will be provided by Siamese Charades.

Tickets are $155 and those keen on securing a last-minute ticket should call by the exhibition hall or contact [email protected] .

Saturday is People's Day at the NRM Horse of the Year Show, and thousands are expected at the event.