Kelt Capital Horse of the Year - A celebration of all things equestrian - New Zealand

22 Year Old Stallion Wins Grand Prix Dressage Title

Jody Hartstone with her German stallion Landioso

By Lisa Potter

There was mixed emotions for Raglan’s Jody Hartstone, in the wake of winning the top dressage title at the Kelt Capital Horse of the Year Show in Hastings today (Sunday).
Her German stallion Landioso, the 22-year-old grandfather of dressage, managed to fend off his up and coming rivals, to take the Grand Prix Horse of the Year title and also the $10,000 first prize.
It was perfect swansong for the imported German stallion, who is the oldest horse competing at this top level in New Zealand, and possibly the world.
Hartstone was relieved as much as she was proud of their achievement, with Landioso not displaying his usual level of showmanship.
“He was a bit tired, which is unlike him as usually I’m trying to contain his exuberance and while it was great to win, it wasn’t his best test.”
As Hartstone said – “It was good enough though.”
Hartstone finished on 66.45%, just one percent ahead of second placed Karen Anderson (Whakatane) on 65.1%.
While Anderson rode her best test ever on her Irish Hunter, Komplete Kaos, it wasn’t quite good enough to surpass the veteran Landioso, who has over 15 years mileage competing at this Grand Prix level.
“I’m absolutely delighted with him,” said Anderson. “It felt fantastic and I had a huge smile on through the whole test.”
It was also the perfect confidence boost for Anderson, who will wear the Silver Fern for the first time when she and Komplete Kaos represent New Zealand at the Sydney CDI later this year.
The pair are New Zealand’s sole representatives at Grand Prix level and will compete alongside New Zealand team mates Ottilie Upshall (Rotorua) and Lisa Blackbourn (Auckland).

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