Kelt Capital Horse of the Year - A celebration of all things equestrian - New Zealand


Please click here for Tentative Stabling.

Please read the following stabling conditions carefully before filling out your stabling form.

Firstly the Kelt Capital H.O.Y stabling administration greatly appreciated the amazing co-operation from the competitors in 2008, and we are looking forward to seeing you all again in 2009.

Due to the number of horses needing accommodation on the grounds it can be difficult to cater for everyone’s stabling. There are approximately 1200 yards located on the show grounds approximately 35% of these are covered. The KELT CAPITAL H.O.Y.S gets bigger every year and due to the limited number of covered yards and stables at the show grounds it is really helpful for us to know that you, have a second preference. If you do urgently require a stable please do consider listing the Hastings racecourse stables as a second choice. These facilities are very good. Truck parking and camping is available there. Please help us to ensure we can accommodate everyone’s requests by marking a first and second choice on the form.
The Hastings Racecourse Accommodation Stables: located at 699 Wall Rd (the Southland Road end) on the south side of Hastings. This would be approximately a 10 minute drive from the show grounds. There are both stables and yards available at these facilities. The stables are very large and are suitable to house stallions, very large hacks, as well as mares that need to be boxed with their foals. The yards are also large and are great for bigger horses. There is a truck and parking/ camping area, and there are toilet facilities. However, there is not enough room to school horses. There is no charge for camping at the racecourse. 
The Flaxmere Equestrian Park: Located south of Hastings at the end of Equestrian Lane in Bridge Pa, approximately 15 minutes drive from the show grounds. There is truck parking/ camping, tent camping, toilets and showers available in this area. There is also plenty of room to school horses. However, there are no stables in this area. The yards are medium sized and suitable for ponies and hacks. 
Local Accommodation: there are some local people who have offered accommodation for horses etc. Anyone who is interested in taking up this offer, please phone the office 06 844 8714 or Ocean Hartrick 027 439 0303.
Stabling Conditions
Please read carefully
• Stabling and camping requests must be on the official stabling form. Powered Camping site request forms must also be on an official form. Forms are available at or phone 06 844 8714 and we will mail/fax/email one to you.
Please do not enter the show grounds before Monday the 16th without permission.
Covered Yards are $68 per horse for the entirety of the show. All requests are short listed; early requests will be higher on the short list. There are no guarantees that you will receive a covered yard, so please prepare for all scenarios. Entries received after the closing date will not be eligible for covered yards.
• Yards are $38 per horse for the entirety of the show.
Requests for powered camping sited close on the 14th of February 2009: Please note that powered sited are limited and there are no guarantees that all requests will secure one. Allocation will be on a ‘first in first served basis.’
• Camping fees are now $80 for a powered site for the entirety of the show and $30 for a non-powered site, for the entirety of the show. There is no charge for camping at Flaxmere Equestrian Park or the Racecourse Stables (699 Wall Rd, Hastings). Non-competitive camping sites are available at $30 per site (non-powered only) plus daily charges of $10 per day. Camping pass must be displayed at all times.
• If you would like to be yarded next to another competitor please get your entry and stabling forms in at the same time and as early as possible.
• Stabling and camping fees must be paid with entries.
• Mares and foals will be allocated to the Racecourse Stables (699 Wall Rd, Hastings). The stables at this facility are better equipped to accommodate mares and foals that need to be kept in the same stable.
• Also stallions and colts entered in non-ridden classes will also be stabled at the Racecourse Stables (699 Wall Rd, Hastings). There are both yards and stables which are purpose built to hold stallions.
• All horses must have an identification tag attached to either the halter or the cover which must be on the horse/pony while yarded. The ID tag must have a contactable number while at the show and the stable code and number on it. If you do not have an ID tag one can be purchased from the stabling office. Repeat offenders will be fined.
• Refunds for stabling will be sent out with prize money and other refunds.
• Horses and ponies must be stabled in the yards they have been allocated. Transferring stables or yards to other horses or ponies must be authorized by stabling officials.
• A tentative stabling list will be available on the web site the weekend prior to the start of the show.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out the form and read through these conditions. Please be assured that your assistance in this area is greatly appreciated, and will help us to help you.
Please travel safely on your journey to Hawkes Bay.
We look forward to seeing you at the 2009 KELT CAPITAL HORSE OF YEAR SHOW.

Ocean Hartrick
Kelt Capital Horse of the Year Stabling Coordinator

To download the Stabling and Camping form please click here
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To download the
Stabling and Camping form please click here