NZ Showing TeamOff to Austrailia

The New Zealand Showing Team have left for Melbourne.

The team of four left on Monday the 24th November to compete in the first of many Trans Tasman clashes. The team members are aiming to beat the Aussies in their own back yard at the Australian Horse of The Year.

The team has been picked from the winners of the 2003 Horse of the Year Showing Titles, and is surely the stongest team to have a crack at the Aussies.

The team is

Tinesha Carey & Aranui Chablis.

Letice Carey & Windvale Just in Time.

Simone Simpson & Larken Park Applause.

Gaylene Leonard & El Sid

The HOY Show wish all the team well on the 6th December and we will welcome the Australian Team back to the HOY Show for a return clash on March 20th 2004.
