
Hi hope you are all ready and excited about the forth coming show in the wonderful Hawkes Bay.

The Kelt Capital HOY07 is looking like its going to be the biggest one yet, and because we are expecting record numbers of competitors, horses and spectators we have had to put a few procedures in place to ensure it runs smoothly and safely.

We appreciate that you have all worked extremely hard and we do understand the fantastic amount of effort it takes to get prepared for such a show as this. However, there now seems to be a growing number of people intending on arriving prior to Tuesday the 13th therefore we have had to restrict the numbers of people and horses camping before this day.

Anyone on the grounds prior to Tuesday must have a genuine reason for being there and permission from the stabling administration. Please understand that the toilets and showers may not be available until the morning of the 13th . Furthermore, the parking wardens on duty Tuesday may require you to move your vehicle, camp site and/or truck into line with the camping and parking layout so we don�t get shutdown by OSH.

So if you are NOT travelling from the South Island or north of Auckland and you feel you have a genuine reason to be on the grounds before Tuesday the 13th please contact the Kelt Capital HOY07 office.
