Kelt Capital Horse of the Year - A celebration of all things equestrian - New Zealand

Newsletter No.2

24 January 2011



Dear Competitors


Welcome to the NZ Horse of the Year Show for 2011.  We look forward to receiving your entries and to seeing you all next March.


Entry forms.  Before filling these out, please carefully read the general conditions and the conditions that relate to your section.  There is important information in both.  On your entry form there is a check list to be ticked off before sending in our entries.  Please check these points carefully, ensure you have included all the additional information that is required and that all forms are filled in properly.  There are separate forms for camping and stabling, which if applicable, need to be included with your entries.



Proof of registration/membership.   These must be current as at the day of competition.  If you are entering classes in any of the ESNZ disciplines (Showjumping, Show Hunter, Dressage, Eventing) you must supply proof of current registration for both horse/pony and rider.  Showing section will need to supply proof of ESNZ rider registration only    (see Showing Section rules for exceptions).  All other sections will need to provide proof of membership of your parent body.


After entering. You should receive a “Record of Entries” notification within a week of posting your entries.  These will be emailed/posted(if no email address).  When you receive them please check them carefully and let us know if anything is not correct.  Your back/bridle number will be on these forms beside the horse’s/pony’s name.  If  you do not receive your record of entries in this time span, please let us know.


Newsletters.   Please check your emails and the website regularly.  From time to time there will be competitor newsletters sent out.  Please read these carefully, as they contain important information.


Tee Shirts.  Rider’s addition Tee Shirts will be available for purchase prior to the show only.  For details please see the competitors page of the website.


Extra wrist bands  we have been getting a lot of questions regarding wristbands.  Each competitor get 2 wristbands  when they send their entry form in, they are allowed to purchase 2 extra wristbands at $30 each.  Hope this clears any misunderstandings.  The extra wristbands must be purchased prior to 5.00pm on Tuesday 15th March 2011.


Camping:   A lot of you are not ticking the “Camp Site”.  Because of the way we have set up camping this year, you cannot camp without a Camp Site.


The above points are made to assist in the smooth running of the entry process and to make the show more enjoyable for the competitor.  We appreciate you taking these into consideration and thank you for  your cooperation.


Good luck for the coming season .



Horse of the Year Office Staff.

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