
Day 2 of the Cathay Pacific Tri-Nations series proved to be a good one for New Zealand with the Showjumping team coming in second to Australia, with South Africa third. More importantly, Oliver Edgecombe produced two clear rounds which gave New Zealand a very valuable Bonus point.

Individual results for Day 2 were
Oliver Edgecombe - clear in both first and second rounds.
Robert Steele - 4 faults in the first round and clear in the second.
Lisa Coupe - 8 faults in the first round and clear in the second.
Simon Wilson had 4 faults in the first round and did not need to start in the second.

Thus, after 5 of the 6 days of competition(the first 3 days were in New Zealand at the Kelt Capital Horse of the Year Show) the placings have
New Zealand lying first with 13 points, Australia is second with 11 points and South Africa is third with 10 points.

The New Zealand Dressage team finished third in Day 2 of competition. Congratulations to Jody Hartstone who is the leading rider at the end of Day 2.
