Kelt Capital Horse of the Year - A celebration of all things equestrian - New Zealand

New Junior Rider of the Year Trophy

New Junior of the Year Trophy   The Kelt Capital Horse of the Year Show, in partnership with John and Jackie Cottle, announce a new trophy to be presented to the winner of the prestigious Junior Rider Title at 2009 Show.   The trophy will be named after one of the sport’s most brilliant NZ Bred Horses “Supermoth”.   Supermoth was ridden by John Cottle.  They dominated the New Zealand Showjumping scene for several years and won the New Zealand Hose of the Year title in 1998.   It is hoped that in future years, with the Junior Rider Title becoming more prestigious, that the ESNZ Board will grant national recognition of the Supermoth Trophy.   John and Jackie will also donate a medal to the winner for them to keep.

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